The Screwtape Emails VIII

The Screwtape Emails VIII

Welcome to SalesFish Brand Marketing & Sales, the most strategically biased B2B Marketing Agency, telemarketing services, telemarketing companies (sales agency) and digital marketing companies, serving Orange County, Los Angeles, San Jose, Sacramento and the Pacific Northwest (Bend, Portland, Seattle). We gladly serve California and all 50 United States!

There are right and wrong ways to go about marketing, and the pitfalls are many. A lot can be learned by seeing how not to manage your marketing. This original blog series weaves together an entertaining story that will help you navigate 21st-Century marketing with a view from “the dark side,” as “Screwtape” teaches his apprentice “Wormwood” via email how to sabotage your marketing. Enjoy…

To: Wormwood
From: Screwtape
Subject: URGENT: Selling Without Selling

My dear Wormwood,

Red alert! The Patient is near to stumbling upon a weapon that could prove disastrous for your budding career as an agent of business sabotage. I need not mention the penalties, should you allow this to happen!

There has been some talk in his earshot of, “selling without selling.” You may ask, as an amateur saboteur what exactly that means. Is it not a contradiction of terms?

It is, but it isn’t. In fact, it is genius that could spell disaster for our cause. You see, most businesses are so focused on selling that they sound like they’re selling; their ads look like sales ads. They do not seem to understand that people today are turned off by sales—they don’t like feeling as if they’re being sold too. This is particularly true of the “Millennial” generation, which is very sensitive to anything they don’t feel to be genuine. (In their youthful idealism, they want to think that business is about more than gaining a buck! Unfortunately, the businesses that believe there’s more to the world than just making money often do better than if they were purely motivated by wealth—and we hate that! It’s so much easier for us to manipulate the materialistic!)

I digress… If you want to see examples of selling without selling, they are all around us; the results have been phenomenally and disgustingly successful.

Just watch the humorous Old Spice commercials with Terry Crews and Isaiah Mustafa. Their ads have won awards, like the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Commercial. Even worse, they have catapulted Old Spice from a stagnant brand to the hottest products in their market. People snatch that stuff up like a starving man at a free buffet. They do it because they’re entertained, because they share these ads with their friends—not because they’ve been pitched in a straight-on manner.

Another example? Well, KFC recently did something brilliant that made waves across social media. Their Twitter account only followed 11 people: six guys named “Herb” and five of the “Spice Girls.” One of their followers cracked the code that they follow “11 Herbs and Spices.” KFC sent the guy a custom painting of him riding piggy-back on Colonel Sanders—the thing went viral and even got picked up by the Media. (By the way, character-based advertising is another dangerous strategy I intend to discuss with you soon.)

Study these examples, as well as the ad campaigns of Geico, Nike, and the ads for the recent Marvel superhero movies, among others. If your Patient figures out that he can sell more by doing less selling, your cause is “toast,” and so are you! I say this with the utmost sincerity.

Your affectionate uncle,


Stay tuned for more relevant content on creating world-class digital marketing strategies and B2B telemarketing sales strategies. We at SalesFish Brand Marketing & Sales thank you for joining us in our commitment to unwavering strategic planning, B2B brand marketing and B2B sales execution.

Call today and our “high-touch” dedicated team will assist you in assessing your strategic sales goals to tailor our marketing and sales tactics to your specific needs.

SalesFish B2B Telemarketing Services

SalesFish Net of Sales Services:

  • B2B Direct Sales, Channel Sales and Marketing Strategies
  • On-Site B2B Presentation, Negotiation and Sales
  • B2B Telemarketing and B2B Telesales Services
  • Cold Calls and Appointment Setting
  • Online Presentations and Webinars
  • Product Awareness and Announcement Calls
  • Primary Research: Quantitative and Qualitative Surveys
  • Experiential Event Marketing
  • Pre and Post-Event Calls
  • Audience Acquisition, Exhibit Sales and Sponsorship Sales
Don’t Geofence Me In!

Don’t Geofence Me In!

Welcome to SalesFish Brand Marketing & Sales, the most strategically biased B2B Marketing Agency, telemarketing services, telemarketing companies (sales agency) and digital marketing companies, serving Orange County, Los Angeles, San Jose, Sacramento and the Pacific Northwest (Bend, Portland, Seattle). We gladly serve California and all 50 United States! Enjoy this new blog series…

Have you heard of “Geofencing?” If you haven’t, you need to know the basics.

Geofencing allows you to set up a “virtual fence” around any physical location, using GPS coordinates to define exactly where you want to target customers. This Geofence can be set to run all the time, or set to only run certain times of the day or week.

Once a target prospect or customer enters your Geofence, you are set up to “capture” them via their smartphone or other device’s GPS. It’s a powerful way to generate an audience based on proximity. Once you capture a potential customer, you can target them with ads for up to 30 days. Marketing experts recommend serving no more than eight impressions per day to your captured audience(s).

As you might expect, you can then track and evaluate who sees your ad, where they saw it, who comes into your business, and who converts to a website visit.

Geofencing is a unique way to capture top-of-the-funnel prospects by reaching them at the places they physically visit, as well as where they spend time online. It allows you to target your defined demographic(s) and location(s).

The results of a Geofencing campaign can be compared to a well-performing display ad or retargeting campaign, but you reach your audience much differently with Geofencing. You can’t target general display ads to hit your audience in locations they frequent most, or the times they are most interested in what you have to offer.
Every business, location, and industry can vary quite a bit, so you’ll have to determine Cost-Per-Acquisition (CPA) for your campaigns. Some Geofencing campaigns will get a $10 CPA while other may be $100 CPA, partly depending on how well-targeted Geofencing locations are.

There are a lot of factors to consider to optimize your Return on Advertising Investment (ROAI), and we can help you put together a solid plan. A Geofence that contains 80% of your target demographic will likely perform better than another area (or timeframe) containing 50% target of your target. You can’t know for sure, though, till you test your markets and analyze the results.

Focus on testing a few areas with a modest budget and comparing results before you really dive in. Since Geofencing has a lot of factors to consider and evaluate, testing just one area won’t give you the depth of information you need to make the best decisions on where to spend your money, nor on how effective this strategy is compared to AdWords, display ads, retargeting and others.

Much like serving ads on Facebook, targeting the right demographic and the locations they frequent most will be key.

SalesFish can set up a solid Geofencing plan to round out your marketing and sales portfolio and reach potential customers in a whole new way!

Stay tuned for more relevant content on creating world-class digital marketing strategies and B2B telemarketing sales strategies. We at SalesFish Brand Marketing & Sales thank you for joining us in our commitment to unwavering strategic planning, B2B brand marketing and B2B sales execution.

Call today and our “high-touch” dedicated team will assist you in assessing your strategic sales goals to tailor our marketing and sales tactics to your specific needs.

SalesFish B2B Telemarketing Services

SalesFish Net of Sales Services:

  • B2B Direct Sales, Channel Sales and Marketing Strategies
  • On-Site B2B Presentation, Negotiation and Sales
  • B2B Telemarketing and B2B Telesales Services
  • Cold Calls and Appointment Setting
  • Online Presentations and Webinars
  • Product Awareness and Announcement Calls
  • Primary Research: Quantitative and Qualitative Surveys
  • Experiential Event Marketing
  • Pre and Post-Event Calls
  • Audience Acquisition, Exhibit Sales and Sponsorship Sales
The Screwtape Emails VII

The Screwtape Emails VII

Welcome to SalesFish Brand Marketing & Sales, the most strategically biased B2B Marketing Agency, telemarketing services, telemarketing companies (sales agency) and digital marketing companies, serving Orange County, Los Angeles, San Jose, Sacramento and the Pacific Northwest (Bend, Portland, Seattle). We gladly serve California and all 50 United States!

There are right and wrong ways to go about marketing, and the pitfalls are many. A lot can be learned by seeing how not to manage your marketing. This original blog series weaves together an entertaining story that will help you navigate 21st-Century marketing with a view from “the dark side,” as “Screwtape” teaches his apprentice “Wormwood” via email how to sabotage your marketing. Enjoy…

To: Wormwood
From: Screwtape
Subject: Ads that SUCK

My dear Wormwood,

Ah, yes—we’ve now come to one of my favorite missives: How to make ads that suck! In our ongoing battle to prevent the Patient from prospering, we can prevail upon him to produce the sort of advertising that will make him invisible. Most side-slappingly hilarious of all? We can make him think his atrocious ads are something special (and when they produce the expected meager results, we will convince him that advertising doesn’t work.)

So, my minion of mayhem, here is a primer on how to make ads that suck:

  • Make sure you stay “safe.” The steadiest road to “suckitude” is to never pass the competition by deviating from the well-worn rut. It feels safe to have your ads look and feel like everyone else’s. I mean, shouldn’t a real estate ad look like a real estate ad? The truth we must never let the Patient discover is that safe ads are the most dangerous kind to his ROI. Safe ads are invisible and do not distinguish one from the competition. At some point, a car insurance company made the move into the fast lane with ads featuring humorous characters, and the result was that Geico became a household name. The other insurance companies are still trying to catch up, but will forever be followers now that Geico has blazed a new trail. Old Spice put the pedal to the metal with a series of ridiculously hyperbolic ads that effectively tripled their sales in short order, and moved them from a musty, old-guy’s product to the most happening name in their market.
  • You’re paying for the ad space, so pack in as much as possible. Print ads that look like a mini brochure, video and radio ads that present a yard sale of features. Have the Patient pack it in like a big city bus ride to Sucksville. Nothing makes people flip the page, scroll up the thumb, hit the mute more than information overload. In reality, the brilliance is most often in brevity, and the greatest impact comes from simplicity. One core message conveyed through humor, shocking fact, tear-jerking seriousness or other emotionally-impacting techniques will get attention—and the purpose of ads is to grab attention, not to inform!
  • Try it for a little while, then pull it if it’s not performing. Don’t allow the Patient to define what “performance” means. Convince him that if people aren’t lined up at the door after running an ad for a week, then it must not be working. Get him thinking that the only thing that matters is short-term revenue resulting directly from the ad. If he should have the confidence to be patient as a brilliant ad campaign unfolds, then we risk him getting long-term results most companies only dream of. Most radically successful ad campaigns must be run and repeated long enough to catch fire and capture the imagination. They must have time to break through filters (which often takes repetition) and then generate buzz by early adopters. People cannot help but become fans of great ads, and once they start talking about their favorites, the flood gates open.
  • Talk about yourself. Too many small businesses owners want to see themselves on the camera—a fact we love! Talking about yourself and/or all the wonderful services you offer is like, as Roy H. Williams puts it, like making people watch home movies of your most recent vacation. In today’s sophisticated digital-media environment, nobody cares about you; they want to see themselves in your ads. It’s a cold, hard truth we can portray to the Patient as selfish and narcissistic on the part of his audience, and blind him to the fact that, by putting himself first, he’s playing the self-centered card perfectly. We know it’s only after you put your audience first that they will turn their attention to you…but let’s not let that get out, shall we?

There are many other ways to make ads that suck, but this is enough for now. You’re a mere apprentice and I know your capacity for such things is limited. Besides, I’m waiting to see how you handle convincing the Patient to walk into these four traps first.

Your affectionate uncle,


Stay tuned for more relevant content on creating world-class digital marketing strategies and B2B telemarketing sales strategies. We at SalesFish Brand Marketing & Sales thank you for joining us in our commitment to unwavering strategic planning, B2B brand marketing and B2B sales execution.

Call today and our “high-touch” dedicated team will assist you in assessing your strategic sales goals to tailor our marketing and sales tactics to your specific needs.

SalesFish B2B Telemarketing Services

SalesFish Net of Sales Services:

  • B2B Direct Sales, Channel Sales and Marketing Strategies
  • On-Site B2B Presentation, Negotiation and Sales
  • B2B Telemarketing and B2B Telesales Services
  • Cold Calls and Appointment Setting
  • Online Presentations and Webinars
  • Product Awareness and Announcement Calls
  • Primary Research: Quantitative and Qualitative Surveys
  • Experiential Event Marketing
  • Pre and Post-Event Calls
  • Audience Acquisition, Exhibit Sales and Sponsorship Sales
Insert Brilliant Headline Here

Insert Brilliant Headline Here

Welcome to SalesFish Brand Marketing & Sales, the most strategically biased B2B Marketing Agency, telemarketing services, telemarketing companies (sales agency) and digital marketing companies, serving Orange County, Los Angeles, San Jose, Sacramento and the Pacific Northwest (Bend, Portland, Seattle). We gladly serve California and all 50 United States!

“On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.” David Ogilvy, The “Father of Advertising”

There’s magic in marketing. You can turn strangers into sales, or you can make them disappear. You will do one of these, and it’s obvious which trick you’d like to perform on a regular basis.

If you want to convert crowds into customers, then pay attention to one of the greatest techniques of magic there is. To paraphrase Earnest Hemmingway, “All you have to do is sit down at a [keyboard] and open a vein.” It doesn’t matter what medium you’re working in—print, TV, social media, AdWords, YouTube videos—the Headline is paramount. Start with a brilliant headline, and—presto!—your ad, Web copy, video or whatever is all but done.

Let’s let the headlines do the talking and share a few of the best, shall we?

Absolute power corrupts.

Chevrolet Corvette
They don’t write songs about Volvos.

Smart has the plans, stupid has the stories.

To all those who use our competitors’ products:
Happy Father’s Day.

The Health Education Council
Still the most effective form of birth control.

Guinness Beer
Gu_ _ _ess who?

Harley Davidson
Somewhere on an airplane a man is trying to rip open a small bag of peanuts.

Horst Salons
Where the women you hate have their hair done.

Jack Daniel’s
Hand crafted actually has more to do with the heart.

Mercedes Benz
Men talk about women, sports and cars.
Women talk about men inside sports cars.

Ricola Cough Drops
“You (cough) look good’
Make sure good news sounds like good news.

What a dog feels when the leash breaks.

The Lung Association
For more information on lung cancer, keep smoking

Swiss Life
She’s my
went wrong.
(For all life’s twists and turns, flexible financial plans).

You have 918 915 friend requests.

Great headlines like these can do some very heavy lifting. Some of the best can stand alone on a blank background or with a complementary image. Really, simple ads with a strong, engaging message are almost always more effective than informational or promotional ads.

Next time you’re thinking of launching an ad or ad campaign, before you do anything else, spend a day or two (at least) coming up with a list of clever headlines. Then set it all aside and carry a notebook and pen around with you so that you can write down the actually brilliant ideas that will come bubbling up from the conscious mind. You’ll probably find that the first list you generated wasn’t nearly as good as you thought—certainly nothing like “that” idea that wakes you up in the middle of the night, you will be the same one that keeps your audience from falling asleep!

Stay tuned for more relevant content on creating world-class digital marketing strategies and B2B telemarketing sales strategies. We at SalesFish Brand Marketing & Sales thank you for joining us in our commitment to unwavering strategic planning, B2B brand marketing and B2B sales execution.

Call today and our “high-touch” dedicated team will assist you in assessing your strategic sales goals to tailor our marketing and sales tactics to your specific needs.

SalesFish B2B Telemarketing Services

SalesFish Net of Sales Services:

  • B2B Direct Sales, Channel Sales and Marketing Strategies
  • On-Site B2B Presentation, Negotiation and Sales
  • B2B Telemarketing and B2B Telesales Services
  • Cold Calls and Appointment Setting
  • Online Presentations and Webinars
  • Product Awareness and Announcement Calls
  • Primary Research: Quantitative and Qualitative Surveys
  • Experiential Event Marketing
  • Pre and Post-Event Calls
  • Audience Acquisition, Exhibit Sales and Sponsorship Sales
The Screwtape Emails VI – Value of Good Enough

The Screwtape Emails VI – Value of Good Enough

Welcome to SalesFish Brand Marketing & Sales, the most strategically biased B2B Marketing Agency, telemarketing services, telemarketing companies (sales agency) and digital marketing companies, serving Orange County, Los Angeles, San Jose, Sacramento and the Pacific Northwest (Bend, Portland, Seattle). We gladly serve California and all 50 United States!

There are right and wrong ways to go about marketing, and the pitfalls are many. A lot can be learned by seeing how not to manage your marketing. This original blog series weaves together an entertaining story that will help you navigate 21st-Century marketing with a view from “the dark side,” as “Screwtape” teaches his apprentice “Wormwood” via email how to sabotage your marketing. Enjoy…

To: Wormwood
From: Screwtape
Subject: Why We Love “Good Enough”

My dear Wormwood,

Our mission to destroy the success of the aspiring businessperson continues, as do your lessons on the most effective tactics. I call this next one the “Good Enough Deception.”

You see, my dear Wormwood, to many, marketing is akin to going to the dentist—painful but necessary. Many a CEO winces at the marketing budget line item because they see marketing as a “soft” area of operations. Creativity, to them is “fluff”; operations and finances are the important things. So, when it comes to getting their marketing done, they are only interested in good enough to get by. They don’t get it, and that give our cause a real boost!

The following are some ways we can use the Good Enough Deception to hasten your Patient’s downfall:

  • Cut off creativity: In today’s “attention economy,” being different and radically creative to stand apart from all the other competitive voices is crucial. But convince your patient that creative strategy is a waste of time. Have him cut short the creative process and stifle creativity with the CEO’s get-to-the point view of life. (Skip the gift wrapping, the card and flowers. How romantic.)
  • Give impossible deadlines: Have the Patient want it, and want it now. That will ensure that the creative “right brain”—from whence comes the level of creativity that catapults brands and sells out products—has no chance to develop true brilliance. The left brain sucks at creativity, and unrealistic deadlines put it in the driver’s seat to Mediocrity City.
  • Hire Low: Advertising legend David Ogilvy gave this advice: “If each of us hires people who are smaller than we are, we shall become a company of dwarfs. But if each of us hires people who are bigger than we are, we shall become a company of giants.” Tempt your Patient into the disastrous decision to hire based on cost, rather than quality. Why get a senior marketing professional, when you can hand the work off to an amateur, a family member, or even a student.
  • Micromanage: Ogilvy also said to, “Hire people who are better than you are, then leave them to get on with it. Look for people who will aim for the remarkable, who will not settle for the routine.” True creatives worth their salt do best with a long leash, so convince your patient to control the process. It will feel like the safe thing to do, but of course it’s the worst way to manage.

I could go on, and perhaps we will discuss more tactics in the future. But we can sum up the beauty of the Good Enough Deception with one simple sentence: “We got our marketing done.”

You and I know, Wormwood, that marketing is never “done,” but let’s just keep that our little secret, shall we?

Your affectionate uncle,


Stay tuned for more relevant content on creating world-class digital marketing strategies and B2B telemarketing sales strategies. We at SalesFish Brand Marketing & Sales thank you for joining us in our commitment to unwavering strategic planning, B2B brand marketing and B2B sales execution.

Call today and our “high-touch” dedicated team will assist you in assessing your strategic sales goals to tailor our marketing and sales tactics to your specific needs.

SalesFish B2B Telemarketing Services

SalesFish Net of Sales Services:

  • B2B Direct Sales, Channel Sales and Marketing Strategies
  • On-Site B2B Presentation, Negotiation and Sales
  • B2B Telemarketing and B2B Telesales Services
  • Cold Calls and Appointment Setting
  • Online Presentations and Webinars
  • Product Awareness and Announcement Calls
  • Primary Research: Quantitative and Qualitative Surveys
  • Experiential Event Marketing
  • Pre and Post-Event Calls
  • Audience Acquisition, Exhibit Sales and Sponsorship Sales
Winning Attention

Winning Attention

Welcome to SalesFish Brand Marketing & Sales, the most strategically biased B2B Marketing Agency, telemarketing services, telemarketing companies (sales agency) and digital marketing companies, serving Orange County, Los Angeles, San Jose, Sacramento and the Pacific Northwest (Bend, Portland, Seattle). We gladly serve California and all 50 United States!

“Don’t take my word for it. Watch someone in the airport read a magazine. They whip through, usually backward, at about two seconds per page. They glance at the clock on the wall…They look at a page. They see your ad…If you can get them to take in your visual (or read your headline), your ad is a resounding success.” Luke Sullivan, Hey Whipple, Squeeze This.
If marketing is like dating, then advertising is the part where you walk in the room and see how many heads turn. To get noticed, you have to look good—but is looking good enough? Nope. Even that “love at first sight” moment is more about connection than just good looks. The greatest attraction is when we can see ourselves in someone else’s eyes, identify parts of ourselves in a kindred spirit.

The great English poet Matthew Arnold spoke of the moment when,

Our eyes can in another’s eyes read clear,
When our world-deafen’d ear
Is by the tones of a loved voice caress’d—
A bolt is shot back somewhere in our breast,
And a lost pulse of feeling stirs again.
The eye sinks inward, and the heart lies plain…

It’s a hyper-competitive marketplace out there with a lot of pretty faces; only the most engaging and relatable will get noticed in the crowd. The best brands use carefully-considered imagery to aim at the heart, and woo their prospects by setting them on a pedestal.

There’s no doubt that images can be compelling and are a crucial part of successful brand communication. But it’s not enough to have a nice-looking logo or a well-designed ad. Your visual presentation has to make a connection to something relatable. The best images tell a story, one in which your audience becomes the main character in your brand narrative.

The problem with most brand presentations—from logos to ad campaigns—isn’t a lack of skillful execution; it’s a lack of connection. Form means nothing if it doesn’t express the substance behind your brand and how it relates to our lives. It’s not enough to have nice pictures, sharp graphics or clever ads. We’ve all seen or heard ads that made us laugh or moved us to tears, after which we’ve promptly forgotten the product. There’s a difference between getting people’s attention and inspiring them to say, “They really get me!”

The effective use of imagery in brand communications is a big topic, so I’m going to give you a few timeless tips you can take to the bank, some really useful stuff!

Feel What They Feel

Any time you sit down to create an ad campaign, a Web page or a social media post, you’re going to have to decide how best to present to your audience. Do not function from what you like, from what seems to look nice, or from a motivation to tell people all about yourself and what you’re selling. Instead, decide what you want your audience to feel when exposed to your message.

Veteran ad man and Hey Whipple, Squeeze This author Luke Sullivan advises, “Stare at a picture that has the emotion of the ad you want to do.” If you want to create an ad that will make people cry, expose yourself to ads that make you cry. If you want to create a YouTube video that will make people laugh all the way to their wallets, then spend an afternoon (or three) watching videos that get you rolling on the floor.

The point is, get into the feel before you start creating. Once you are in the emotional position you want to put others into, you are more likely to choose imagery and headlines that will get attention.

Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity!

Do you have the confidence and self-control to make your ads as simple as possible? When it comes to advertising, it’s very true that “less is more.” I cannot tell you how many clients have nodded their heads in agreement at the concept, and then fought me when I sharpened the axe.

Ads were not meant to be brochures. Brochures were meant to be brochures. Effective ads take one benefit and express it in an image (along with, sometimes, a headline and maybe even a little bit of copy).

“Be visual and go short on copy,” writes Sullivan. “Granted, if you interest readers with a good visual or headline, yes, they may go on to read your copy. But the point is, visuals work fast…they translate, not surprisingly, better than words.”

German industrial designer Dieter Rams preaches that, “Good design is as little design as possible.” He advocates a simplicity that concentrates on the essential aspects and not burdening others with the non-essentials.

Certainly, today’s consumer reads less than even a decade ago and is bombarded with a constant overload of sensual stimuli. A simple, bold message stripped down to its essentials is more likely to slip through cognitive filters and get noticed.

But beyond that, “Every element you add to a [design] layout reduces the importance of all the other elements,” says Sullivan. “And conversely, every item you subtract raises the visibility and importance of what’s left.” Aha! You can dilute your own key message with ads that are too busy.

Abraham Lincoln once apologized that he didn’t have time to write a shorter speech. Sure, boiling down your ads to express one key benefit takes work; keeping your Home page from rambling takes skill and discipline. But better to have 100 people grasp one benefit you offer than to have 1 person read through 100 features you sell.


“If your stories are all about your products and services, that’s not storytelling. It’s a brochure. Give yourself permission to make the story bigger.” Jay Baer

Choose images that tell a story your audience can relate to—something true to life—and you’ll have them! Don’t just show photos of your product, show people using it in real life situations…or take the opposite approach. Depict your message with a completely unexpected scenario. I still remember one ad that showed a hippopotamus bobbing in the water, wearing a pair of water skis and holding a towrope. Now, this company could have used a glib picture of some perfect family enjoying a day waterskiing at the lake, and they could have given a rambling explanation of the power of their watercraft. Instead, they used an image that said it all in an unforgettable way. That hippo waiting to get up on the waves told a story.

Show, Don’t Tell

A picture tells a thousand words. If you can avoid adding more words to that 1000, do so. But if words help add impact, then be sparing—take the time to drill down to the best combination of brevity and impact.

Now, that ad with the hippo could have added the words, “our engines are 30% more powerful than the leading competitor,” but, um…yawn.

Stay tuned for more relevant content on creating world-class digital marketing strategies and B2B telemarketing sales strategies. We at SalesFish Brand Marketing & Sales thank you for joining us in our commitment to unwavering strategic planning, B2B brand marketing and B2B sales execution.

Call today and our “high-touch” dedicated team will assist you in assessing your strategic sales goals to tailor our marketing and sales tactics to your specific needs.

SalesFish B2B Telemarketing Services

SalesFish Net of Sales Services:

  • B2B Direct Sales, Channel Sales and Marketing Strategies
  • On-Site B2B Presentation, Negotiation and Sales
  • B2B Telemarketing and B2B Telesales Services
  • Cold Calls and Appointment Setting
  • Online Presentations and Webinars
  • Product Awareness and Announcement Calls
  • Primary Research: Quantitative and Qualitative Surveys
  • Experiential Event Marketing
  • Pre and Post-Event Calls
  • Audience Acquisition, Exhibit Sales and Sponsorship Sales