Tips for a Killer Sales Pitch that Blow Quotas out of the Park

Tips for a Killer Sales Pitch that Blow Quotas out of the Park

Welcome to SalesFish Brand Marketing & Sales, the most strategically biased B2B Marketing Agency, telemarketing services, telemarketing companies (sales agency) and digital marketing companies, serving Orange County, Los Angeles, San Jose, Sacramento and the Pacific Northwest (Bend, Portland, Seattle). We gladly serve California and all 50 United States!

The day of your sales pitch is drawing closer. You’re two parts scared, two parts excited about the whole situation. You just want to craft a killer sales pitch that will ensure the close. It’s a big one and you definitely don’t want to mess it up.

This is not your first go around but you feel like you’re just seeing what sticks with your last few pitches.

Pitching is definitely an art and there is no one way to go about it. However, there are certain things that you should remember. And these things help you focus on the goal, keep your pitch effective and even version control your pitches for various clients and deals.

I put together this list of solid pitching advice you must take to heart and apply not only to your pitches but to all your sales calls and presentations.

Diligence is key: Plan ahead, stick to it and follow through

There’s no way around hard work in sales. More so in pitching where a lot of the work that’s been put in so far relies.

You have to understand and take to heart that selling isn’t easy (if you haven’t already).

Understand your prospect

The more you understand your prospect, the more you know about them, the higher your chances are to close the deal. You’d think that this is obvious but 82 percent of sales professionals lose deals because they are not aligned with the needs of the buyer. No matter how awesome your product is, if you can’t show its benefits in the context of the buyer’s situation, the value will probably be lost on the buyer.

Besides, do you expect the same pitch to close different clients? The only way you can tailor-fit your pitch to a prospective customer is to research about them and make projections ast to what kind of delivery and what pitch angles would work for them.

Starting there, you can start creating a solid pitch.

Initially, you must ask the right questions that will extract the customer’s specific needs (which you must have initial ideas of already). This eases the process to the next step.

Clients feel valued when you exhibit knowledge of their company. Unless it’s classified information, they’d appreciate that you took the time to get to know their process and show how your product will work for them. Highlight which features will bring solid, quantifiable benefits to them.

Are you talking to the decision maker? Make sure you are!

A pitch is a only a pitch if there’s a possibility of closing the deal on the same meeting. Not that being prepared for meetings isn’t good practice but there’s a significant difference between a sales call that’s for prospecting and for a pitch.

If you’re pitching to a non-decision maker, you’re wasting both your time and theirs.

Give answers that fit in the sales pitch proper

You should be able to provide answers to any question they might have relating your product and problems they are struggling with.

Author, Canva chief evangelist and venture capitalist Guy Kawasaki shares,

Enchantment is the purest form of sales. It is about changing people’s hearts, minds and action because you provided them with a vision or a way to do things better. The difference between enchantment and simple sales is that with enchantment, you have the other person’s best interest at heart too.

Instead of focusing on the strengths of your product on its own, acknowledge the prospect’s problems and discuss how the product will provide solutions. Don’t cast a wide net when talking about problems. Speak to the unique challenges of your client’s company and hone your pitch to the specific features that fit nicely as a solution to your prospect’s issues.    

Always, always use simple language.

Even when according to your research, the client has deep experience in the field, the ability to discuss benefits as simple as possible is always more impressive that a bunch of words that sound nice but are hardly comprehensible.

You should be capable of presenting your unique value proposition (UVP) in a simple, easy-to-digest way. Your UVP is a short, single, clear and compelling message that states exactly what sets you apart from all existing solutions and makes the case that your product is worth buying.

Base your pitch on the length of time that’s available to you. Prepare a sequence that will make sense with how much time you have. Deliver the most value within the time that’s allotted to you.

Address objections firmly and respectfully

First things first: Do not avoid or ignore objections! Don’t dance around it. And definitely don’t invalidate objections. The prospect comes from a place of need and an objection is a moment of being astray. Lead them back by addressing the objection and emphasizing the benefit and value once more.

When preparing for the pitch, you must write down all possible objections you can think about.

You’re probably familiar with BANT—where most objections come from.

  1. Budget – No money for your product
  2. Authority – No authority to decide 
  3. Need – No need for your product
  4. Timing – Not the right time to buy 

Explore possible objections and prepare answering each one, not only with a response that would calm the reasons of objection. A good way to approach objection is to flip the script.

If they’re already using a competing product, always address objection based on value and not by criticizing competitors directly.

  • Sample objection: Product-needs risk. 
    Your prospect may say, ”Your product may work for others, but will it work for me?”Counter argument: The easiest way to deal with this particular objection is to outline the features of your product in detail, so that your prospects can see how they would benefit. Show the delineation of how it will benefit them and how it helps others too. If possible, give them a free trial.

Over time, your ability to answer objections will be honed. Your understanding of how your product fits their business is your best weapon.

Another tip: For pricing objections, remember that it’s never about price. Do you think someone who is in the position to call the shots for a business will turn down a product that put them in the position to grow over time in a much faster pace, guaranteed, just for a couple thousand dollars? If the product fits and you’ve done your job as a sales professional, the price issue would be easy to answer.

Show value for money

Your product’s pricing plays a significant role on the number of clients you get and the revenue you build over time. If the prospecting and research have been done right, it’s only a matter of showing the prospect that the product brings much more value than what it costs. Even when you’re confident that the price point is nothing compared to value, you still need to make them realize that and get over the phase where the prospect is getting negative feelings just because it’s a discussion on price already.

And of course, make sure price is the last issue you go over. Validate the need, demonstrate value and address objections before coming to the price discussion. This is a proven formula that’s brought success to many pitches. Pro-tip: On the pricing page of your slide (if you’re using one), still empasize benefits.

Don’t listen to answer, listen to understand. Listen, really listen.

Keep an open mind, go into the pitch with a readiness to listen. Make the prospect do most of the talking. Explore their thgouhgts and respond with deep, incisive followup questions. Aim to understand their business needs and show empathy—both are crucial in closing deals.

When you can mirror their thoughts into your product presentation, the sales message will be strong and attractive. You will be able to successfully preempt pressing questions and objections. Most successful companies use this to their advantage.

Insert calls to action as natural and appropriate

Move your prospect through a “smaller” sales process throughout your pitch. Get them to agree to your points and make them an advocate of your product by setting up opportunities where they say how the product will help them. This takes skill, and most of the skill lies in asking questions.

When you ask the correct questions that unlock realizations in a prospect’s mind, they will sell to themselves. Of course, when the questions are answered, you have to promptly plug-in a call to action which can be many things. You can ask them for more ways they see the product working for them, ask them if they’d like a trial, ask for their ideas on how the product can be improved or customized based on their needs, and of course, THE ask.

Remember that throughout the questions and mini call to actions that you’ve been serving, the internal objective for you is to stoke their interest and desire. Give them more reasons to say yes, make them realize more reasons and let them come up with more uses and benefits your product will bring the company.

The ask or the closing call to action where you directly ask the prospect to purchase your product should come at the right and ripe time within your pitch. If you’ve addressed all objections and have gone over the pricing hump, go for the close.

Pitch with confidence

The great American racer Bobby Unser said, “Success is where preparation and opportunity meet.” And that’s definitely the case with sales pitches. You’re given the opportunity or you’ve created the opportunity to be able to close a sale. You have airtime with someone who can make the decision. Prepare and go there in confidence. When you’re prepared and you’ve ran over everything in your head, there’s no reason to fear.  Besides, your pitching skills will get better over time. Prepare well, pitch with confidence and learn from your experience.

It’s just a matter of diligence for you to become a closing machine.

Dan Sincavage

Dan is a Co-Founder of Tenfold and currently serves as the Chief Strategy Officer. Dan oversees the Tenfold sales organization, manages strategic partner relationships and works with key enterprise accounts to ensure their success with the Tenfold platform.

Stay tuned for more relevant content on creating world-class digital marketing strategies and B2B telemarketing sales strategies. We at SalesFish Brand Marketing & Sales thank you for joining us in our commitment to unwavering strategic planning, B2B brand marketing and B2B sales execution.

Call today and our “high-touch” dedicated team will assist you in assessing your strategic sales goals to tailor our marketing and sales tactics to your specific needs.

SalesFish B2B Telemarketing Services

SalesFish Net of Sales Services:

  • B2B Direct Sales, Channel Sales and Marketing Strategies
  • On-Site B2B Presentation, Negotiation and Sales
  • B2B Telemarketing and B2B Telesales Services
  • Cold Calls and Appointment Setting
  • Online Presentations and Webinars
  • Product Awareness and Announcement Calls
  • Primary Research: Quantitative and Qualitative Surveys
  • Experiential Event Marketing
  • Pre and Post-Event Calls
  • Audience Acquisition, Exhibit Sales and Sponsorship Sales
Keeping Your Pipeline Flowing

Keeping Your Pipeline Flowing

Welcome to SalesFish Brand Marketing & Sales, the most strategically biased B2B Marketing Agency, telemarketing services, telemarketing companies (sales agency) and digital marketing companies, serving Orange County, Los Angeles, San Jose, Sacramento and the Pacific Northwest (Bend, Portland, Seattle). We gladly serve California and all 50 United States!

Business owners often ask the question, “When is the best time to put resources into my sales & marketing?”

The answer is simple: always. If you want to avoid the “feast or famine” revenue swings so many businesses experience, then you need to be consistent in reaching out to new prospects.

It’s tempting to cut back on your marketing and sales efforts when things are busy, or when you have new contracts in the hopper. The danger, however, is that sometimes a verbal approval on a contract gets put off or drops off a potential client’s radar. If you’ve slowed down on your prospecting in anticipation of the next contract keeping you busy, you’ll be left with an empty pipeline.

Even if you’re landing plenty of work or making lots of sales, markets ebb and flow. As we learned from the recent recession, the economy is a fickle thing, as peaks are inevitably followed by valleys.

So, our simple tip to level out the ups and downs is to never stop marketing, never pull back on your sales. If you find yourself with more business than you can handle, you can always add more resources, refer, or negotiate deadlines. It’s a good problem to have—certainly better than the alternative of going through dry spells.

Besides helping you keep the pipeline from shutting off, staying consistent with your marketing and sales also presents the opportunity to refine and strengthen your message, media, demographics and timing. You can do this very simply through A/B Testing. A/B testing consists of testing one variable of a message and comparing it with a control.

For example, you may test one email subject line against an alternative; you might have two versions of an ad designed and measure the effectiveness of each; you can test different call-to-action offers, such as a free eBook vs. 10% off your services for example. You can find plenty of good advice on A/B testing online. One of the main things to remember, however, is that you generally want to only test one variable at a time. If you’re testing sending an email at 8:00 am vs. 4:00 pm, don’t use a different subject line for each because if you do, you won’t know if the time of day or the subject line accounts for the performance difference.

Keep your marketing and sales machine going through all the ups and downs and you’ll have more of the former and less of the latter!

Call SalesFish today and our high-touch, dedicated team will assist you in assessing your strategic sales goals, and the marketing and sales tactics best suited to your specific needs. And, yes, we will also advise you on the best A.I. tools that actually work and complement the real people in your business!

Stay tuned for more relevant content on creating world-class digital marketing strategies and B2B telemarketing sales strategies. We at SalesFish Brand Marketing & Sales thank you for joining us in our commitment to unwavering strategic planning, B2B brand marketing and B2B sales execution.

Call today and our “high-touch” dedicated team will assist you in assessing your strategic sales goals to tailor our marketing and sales tactics to your specific needs.

SalesFish B2B Telemarketing Services

SalesFish Net of Sales Services:

  • B2B Direct Sales, Channel Sales and Marketing Strategies
  • On-Site B2B Presentation, Negotiation and Sales
  • B2B Telemarketing and B2B Telesales Services
  • Cold Calls and Appointment Setting
  • Online Presentations and Webinars
  • Product Awareness and Announcement Calls
  • Primary Research: Quantitative and Qualitative Surveys
  • Experiential Event Marketing
  • Pre and Post-Event Calls
  • Audience Acquisition, Exhibit Sales and Sponsorship Sales
The Screwtape Emails, Part IX

The Screwtape Emails, Part IX

Welcome to SalesFish Brand Marketing & Sales, the most strategically biased B2B Marketing Agency, telemarketing services, telemarketing companies (sales agency) and digital marketing companies, serving Orange County, Los Angeles, San Jose, Sacramento and the Pacific Northwest (Bend, Portland, Seattle). We gladly serve California and all 50 United States!

There are right and wrong ways to go about marketing, and the pitfalls are many. A lot can be learned by seeing how not to manage your marketing. This original blog series weaves together an entertaining story that will help you navigate 21st-Century marketing with a view from “the dark side,” as “Screwtape” teaches his apprentice “Wormwood” via email how to sabotage your marketing. Enjoy…

To: Wormwood
From: Screwtape
Subject: Freezing Out the Cold Call

My dear Wormwood,

Let us explore sales a moment in this missive, shall we? As you well know, Wormwood, most businesses cannot survive without sales. And while many of the “old school” sales techniques of the past are not as effective in the digital age, some still apply. Herein lies opportunity for you to sow dissonance and contradiction into the Patient’s sales plan.

Let’s focus in on the concept of the “cold call.” We have two opportunities here:

  • Convince the Patient that cold calling is dead.
  • If that does not succeed, inspire the Patient to make the cold call truly “cold.”

The truth is that cold calling is not dead; it has merely evolved. That is to say, that the concept of pursuing prospects you’ve not yet had contact with can still be effective, and even necessary, for many businesses.

The best way to freeze out cold calling is to put a stereotype of into the Patient’s mind. Evoke unwanted phone calls, SPAM emails and other annoying disruptive techniques. I call these the “wolf whistles” of the sales world. You see, it’s perfectly acceptable for a young man to take interest in a “beautiful stranger,” but approach is everything! A genuine and friendly introduction will be received much differently than a wolf whistle or a cheesy pickup line.

See where I’m going with this? If you can convince the Patient that cold calling means being “salesy” and intrusive, he of course is going to shy away from such an approach. Our goal is to get the Patient to dismiss cold calling as he would a polyester suit and white wingtip shoes.

But should he realize that a genuine interest in the prospect and an offering of value can and will gain prospects, our cause is seriously threatened (as is your frail good favor, which I remind you can be lost). If the Patient has the annoying insight to realize that cold calling can be warmly done, then we are in real trouble (and by “we,” I mean “you”).

One small chance remains: Convince the Patient that cold calling only applies to the telephone, when in fact, email, social media and other media provide opportunities superior to simply going down a telephone number list.

Lock this is a vault, but the simplest way to do cold calling boils down to a few key tactics:

  • Define your value proposition for a particular audience.
  • Make a list of companies that would benefit from that value proposition. Be specific as to size of company, geography, any other demographic details that will narrow the list to the most promising prospects.
  • Prepare something of value to give to them. It may be a white paper, a free eBook, a free 30-day trial—there are many options.
  • Make the first contact about a genuine interest in their business—in THEIR story—NOT selling or expounding the virtues of your product. Offer that “something of value,” no strings attached. It’s acceptable toward the end to ask if you can contact them again. After all, the young Romeo may ask for a phone number if his interest is reciprocated.

More on this later, but to drive home my point, just go back up to these four points and simply add the words “do not.” Now are you getting the picture?  If the Patient annoyingly chooses to use cold calling, then assure he’s as annoying as possible to the prospect. Make sales a hunt based on numbers—that is, if I take enough shots at enough people, something is bound to hit. The alternative is to focus on quality of leads and genuineness of approach, and we don’t want that happening, now do we?

Your affectionate uncle,


Stay tuned for more relevant content on creating world-class digital marketing strategies and B2B telemarketing sales strategies. We at SalesFish Brand Marketing & Sales thank you for joining us in our commitment to unwavering strategic planning, B2B brand marketing and B2B sales execution.

Call today and our “high-touch” dedicated team will assist you in assessing your strategic sales goals to tailor our marketing and sales tactics to your specific needs.

SalesFish B2B Telemarketing Services

SalesFish Net of Sales Services:

  • B2B Direct Sales, Channel Sales and Marketing Strategies
  • On-Site B2B Presentation, Negotiation and Sales
  • B2B Telemarketing and B2B Telesales Services
  • Cold Calls and Appointment Setting
  • Online Presentations and Webinars
  • Product Awareness and Announcement Calls
  • Primary Research: Quantitative and Qualitative Surveys
  • Experiential Event Marketing
  • Pre and Post-Event Calls
  • Audience Acquisition, Exhibit Sales and Sponsorship Sales
How to Use Facebook to Actually Sell Something

How to Use Facebook to Actually Sell Something

Welcome to SalesFish Brand Marketing & Sales, the most strategically biased B2B Marketing Agency, telemarketing services, telemarketing companies (sales agency) and digital marketing companies, serving Orange County, Los Angeles, San Jose, Sacramento and the Pacific Northwest (Bend, Portland, Seattle). We gladly serve California and all 50 United States!

Facebook can be kind of an enigma sometimes. With the constant changing of algorhythms and rules, it can be difficult to keep up with what might work today, or what might not. As a small business owner, this can be almost impossible to have time to keep up with. How about we help you out a little? Here are a few tried and true ways to use Facebook to get more followers and increase your sales.

  1. Engage. You cannot sell anything until you engage your followers on their terms. Serve them interesting content that connects to their story, and they will engage with likes or comments. These days, if a fan isn’t engaging with a page on Facebook, the almighty seer will stop bringing your posts into their feed. So first rule is to always engage the interest of your target audience.
  2. Give stuff away. I know, you thought we were talking about making sales, right? Well, sometimes to earn trust with a potential customer, you may have to be the first to invest in the relationship—in fact, you should. Hold a contest and give away some of your product! Everyone loves free stuff, and this gives your patrons a chance to become raving fans, or your potential customers a way to try your product that they may have been putting off for a later date.
  3. Boost a post. There are many technical things you can do with Facebook to run ads and track all of the data. If you’re a small business owner, perhaps that’s not the best way. Your time is money, my friend, and we get that. So instead of trying to learn a ton of information about the technical ins and outs of Facebook ads, simply boost a post. It’s a great way to get eyes on a special you’re running or a new product offering. But remember, in this post, make sure to always refer back to rule number one: Engage.
  4. Use an app like Shopial to help you save time while getting more eyes on your product. Simply install the app (and how great that it also works on Instagram!) and it will:
    • Import photos directly from your website product pages
    • Create ads and optimize them for you
    • Make a liaison from Facebook straight to your product pages

Bam! Time saved and more customers will be directed to your product pages for easier sales. (There are plenty of different apps out there, so do a little research and find out which will be the best fit for you first.)

There you have it, a few simple ways to help increase sales from Facebook. This requires some work and thought, but mostly your goal is to build connection, engagement, and trust with your customers. Remember to have fun!

Stay tuned for more relevant content on creating world-class digital marketing strategies and B2B telemarketing sales strategies. We at SalesFish Brand Marketing & Sales thank you for joining us in our commitment to unwavering strategic planning, B2B brand marketing and B2B sales execution.

Call today and our “high-touch” dedicated team will assist you in assessing your strategic sales goals to tailor our marketing and sales tactics to your specific needs.

SalesFish B2B Telemarketing Services

SalesFish Net of Sales Services:

  • B2B Direct Sales, Channel Sales and Marketing Strategies
  • On-Site B2B Presentation, Negotiation and Sales
  • B2B Telemarketing and B2B Telesales Services
  • Cold Calls and Appointment Setting
  • Online Presentations and Webinars
  • Product Awareness and Announcement Calls
  • Primary Research: Quantitative and Qualitative Surveys
  • Experiential Event Marketing
  • Pre and Post-Event Calls
  • Audience Acquisition, Exhibit Sales and Sponsorship Sales
Grammar is Still King

Grammar is Still King

Welcome to SalesFish Brand Marketing & Sales, the most strategically biased B2B Marketing Agency, telemarketing services, telemarketing companies (sales agency) and digital marketing companies, serving Orange County, Los Angeles, San Jose, Sacramento and the Pacific Northwest (Bend, Portland, Seattle). We gladly serve California and all 50 United States!

Imagine for a moment you send a pitch to a big client that you want to land. Unfortunately, as they read through it, they notice a handful of basic grammatical errors and their confidence begins to erode. Perhaps it is just enough uncertainty to make them pursue other options.

Don’t let this happen to you!

While we’ve talked in the past about the importance of using the appropriate tone that invites a reader into your content, grammar still sets the stage for good writing. Using bad grammar is like drinking fine wine out of a toilet. Clear punctuation and proper use of language are essential to clear, effective communication.

How can you be sure you’re writing well? Always enlist another set of skilled eyes to proofread your work. Someone who didn’t write the piece will be much quicker to notice a misspelling, missing or improper punctuation, poor word choices, repetitive words or ideas, and other writing quirks. Even the best writers have their Achilles (or is it Achilles’…or Achilles’s) heels.

Another way to be sure your grammar skills are up to snuff is to use the free version of Grammarly. Simply copy and paste your content into their site and you will get a fast and effective edit of your spelling, punctuation, and grammar. You can also join their premium service for a small fee, if you’d like to receive extra bonuses.

There are dozens of other writing tools available on the Internet, take some time to look into the ones that will be most helpful to you. Don’t let bad writing be your downfall. Write well—your customers will notice.

Oh, yeah…one more tip: If you can’t write well or if grammar is the bane of your existence, hire a copywriter/editor. They’re worth they’re their weight in gold.

Stay tuned for more relevant content on creating world-class digital marketing strategies and B2B telemarketing sales strategies. We at SalesFish Brand Marketing & Sales thank you for joining us in our commitment to unwavering strategic planning, B2B brand marketing and B2B sales execution.

Call today and our “high-touch” dedicated team will assist you in assessing your strategic sales goals to tailor our marketing and sales tactics to your specific needs.

SalesFish B2B Telemarketing Services

SalesFish Net of Sales Services:

  • B2B Direct Sales, Channel Sales and Marketing Strategies
  • On-Site B2B Presentation, Negotiation and Sales
  • B2B Telemarketing and B2B Telesales Services
  • Cold Calls and Appointment Setting
  • Online Presentations and Webinars
  • Product Awareness and Announcement Calls
  • Primary Research: Quantitative and Qualitative Surveys
  • Experiential Event Marketing
  • Pre and Post-Event Calls
  • Audience Acquisition, Exhibit Sales and Sponsorship Sales
Win Clients with a Conversational Tone

Win Clients with a Conversational Tone

And Two Ways to Nix Mistakes Fast

Welcome to SalesFish Brand Marketing & Sales, the most strategically biased B2B Marketing Agency, telemarketing services, telemarketing companies (sales agency) and digital marketing companies, serving Orange County, Los Angeles, San Jose, Sacramento and the Pacific Northwest (Bend, Portland, Seattle). We gladly serve California and all 50 United States!

You’re a good writer, congratulations! English degree? Even better—you’ll save many a grammar lover from a face palm anytime you post something online or send an email. Here’s where it’s hurting your sales: Your online audience isn’t likely there to read formal writing. If you truly want to connect with your leads and online audience, write conversationally. Throw out some of the classic rules and pretend the words you’re typing are words you’re speaking over a cup of coffee or that five o’ clock beer. Here are a few ways to help increase the conversational tone of your written pieces:

  1. Ask questions of your reader. You wouldn’t sit across from someone over a cup of coffee without getting to know him or her a little first. Prod at why they might be reading your blog or email in the first place and offer a solution. Step into their story a little and they’ll probably hang around just a little longer to hear what you’ve got to say.
  2. Talk to your reader. Instead of using “we” or “our” use “you” wherever appropriate. Don’t write to the thousands of people that visit your webpage or who open your email campaigns, write to just one of them. Your content will immediately be more personal and meaningful to those that read it.
  3. Avoid sounding too good. Don’t use bigger words than are necessary, break up bigger ideas and sentences into smaller ones, and feel free to break some rules to make ideas flow more easily.
  4. Don’t use industry jargon. Flee! Run for your life! Just tell your reader in simple terms what needs to be said without all of the high-level terms that are in your industry. It’s all about the reader understanding plainly what your product or service will do to help them.
  5. Add some personality, sweetheart. Honestly, there’s no need to hide behind that screen you’re reading this on. If you’re in sales, relationship is everything. It’s likely your reader will want to get to know you a little bit, too.

After you apply these principles, read your piece out loud to yourself and you’ll see it comes across quite pleasant. This will also help address any sticky spots that the reader may find difficult to understand. Watch and see: changing to a friendly tone will help increase your reader engagement.

Call SalesFish today and our high-touch, dedicated team will assist you in assessing your strategic sales goals, and the marketing and sales tactics best suited to your specific needs. And, yes, we will also advise you on the best A.I. tools that actually work and complement the real people in your business!

Stay tuned for more relevant content on creating world-class digital marketing strategies and B2B telemarketing sales strategies. We at SalesFish Brand Marketing & Sales thank you for joining us in our commitment to unwavering strategic planning, B2B brand marketing and B2B sales execution.

Call today and our “high-touch” dedicated team will assist you in assessing your strategic sales goals to tailor our marketing and sales tactics to your specific needs.

SalesFish B2B Telemarketing Services

SalesFish Net of Sales Services:

  • B2B Direct Sales, Channel Sales and Marketing Strategies
  • On-Site B2B Presentation, Negotiation and Sales
  • B2B Telemarketing and B2B Telesales Services
  • Cold Calls and Appointment Setting
  • Online Presentations and Webinars
  • Product Awareness and Announcement Calls
  • Primary Research: Quantitative and Qualitative Surveys
  • Experiential Event Marketing
  • Pre and Post-Event Calls
  • Audience Acquisition, Exhibit Sales and Sponsorship Sales